Erinnerung von Goethe
Willst du immer weiter schweifen?
Sieh, das Gute liegt so nah.
Lerne nur das Glück ergreifen,
denn das Glück ist immer da.
Some wise words from our glowing friend Goethe. It is said that Germans like to set things on fire. I must say it does not surprise me much. I like having fires as well in these cold days. Fake fires on the monitor and always some candles. The only problem is that I have encountered many bugsuicides these days. The ladybugs play around my desk for a night and then let themselves fall in the candle. They always seem to do it right after I started caring for them..
Today is Blue Monday, which is said to be the most depressing day of the year. I hope you dont really feel depressed and I'm trying not to burn too many candles today incase the ladybugs feel particulary suicidal today.
What is kind of funny is that it is blue monday and as I've been kindly told, this blogpost is some kind of birthdaypost because it is number 365 (yeah the only connection here is the word blue so it is not really funny, but still).
Now in other news. WE HAVE A WINNER! For the give-away. First of all thank you all so much for the kind words and interest. Because I was so happy about this, I decided to pick two other winners who will receive some kind of postcard - minipackage as well (like a secondprize of sorts).
So I made a video which you can
see here so you see I did it honestly and listen to Bob Dylan.
The winner is.....
Phara! (who(s blog) I really like!)
And the other two are
Saara and
I will email you all for adresses and stuff and then you can expect some magic in your mailboxes soon.
For the others; I am always happy to have new penpal-packagefriends, so...........
This was a lot of talking. Probably you only read this last sentence or nothing at all, so it was kind of like talking to myself. In any other condition one would say I am crazy, but the internet makes weird things always seem normal.