Monday, 28 January 2013


This weekend, there was a tiny Dutch adventure full of love, and although there was some sadness in my heart while the train drove me back to Hamburg (leaving friends behind again is never so much fun), the beautiful harbour-view made it all good again.

Meeres Stille, Goethe
Tiefe Stille herrscht im Wasser,
ohne Regung ruht das Meer,
und bekümmert sieht der Schiffer
glatte Flächen ringsumher.
Keine Luft von keiner Seite!
Todesstille fürchterlich!
In der ungeheuren Weite
reget keine Welle sich.


  1. The cranes in the mist! Beautiful, Bobby x

  2. I liked it on Tumblr and I'll comment here. I love it, you've artistic eyes. xx

  3. i like your blog like no other and you drink club mate and use it as a Kerzenständer which makes you nice.
