Sunday, 1 January 2012


this is a real starfish. happy 2012 to all of you :).
And then you say something about the past year. I guess it has not been the best year, but there were some  wonderful moments of course. I visited an insane amount of beautiful places, of which I'm very grateful. And I had a lot of wonderful adventures with friends and my hair has grown. And I saw a real starfish.
I spend last night in Amsterdam and I didn't get killed by a bomb, so that's also very positive.
Next year I'm visiting London and Frome which I'm super excited about, and hopefully I'll also go to Sweden and Germany and some other place, something I haven't seen before, like Iceland or Russia or some small town here in the Netherlands where I'll meet fascinating people. We will see. I have some other big plans for the new year, which I won't tell because then they can go wrong, but maybe, hopefully they will come true.
I wish you all the very very best for the next 364 days. With love. From my toes.


  1. ah, thanks, jij ook uiteraard! Hopelijk wordt 2012 een heel mooi en gelukkig jaar!

  2. Hoop dat al die plannen mogen uitkomen ^^ Gelukkig nieuwjaar!!

  3. come and visit portugal! :D

    wow, he knows? aha it's acutally possible, indeed! he's asking if he's from netherland too.

  4. i'm looking forward to seeing much more nice things on your blog this year! :)
    love it anyway!

  5. awww. it's a lovely city indeed.
    and yes! he knows Lucas! aha what a coincidence!

  6. Happy 2012! And I really have to ask, Frome as in Somerset, England? If so, I am from Bristol which is not far and Frome is a very small an strange place to visit aha.

    Oh and I am infinitely jealous of your starfish sighting!
