Thursday, 17 February 2011


Dancing on houseparties in Eindhoven and in random bars in Antwerp is always fun when there are Design Academy people around. They have crazy dancemoves like I do, which makes every night perfect. In my life there hasn't been one night of going out where someone didn't tell me I dance funny. But dancing funny with other funny-dancers isn't so bad ;).


  1. You're lucky that there are funny and intelligent people at the parties you're invited to. I suppose as I get older and hosts parties of my own, the people will be more interesting, but currently, it's just a bunch of dorky, unsophisticated, drunken kids throwing stuff...
    Anyway, I'm a big fan of your blog, because, its not just about fashion, which is tiring of reading over and over and over, it's about life.

  2. A big thumbs up for your funny dancing S. Bobby!

  3. it seems like you had a lot of fun =)
    great photos ! ;)
